Edor Team Soft S.L. Apps

Akis Irrigation
AKIS Irrigation es la primera plataformaderecomendación de riegos para dispositivos móviles. Elsistemacuenta con un potente modelo de predicción de consumohídrico delos cultivos desarrollado por ingenieros einvestigadores.AKIS Irrigation isthefirst recommendation platform mobile irrigation. Thesystemfeatures a powerful prediction model crop waterconsumptiondeveloped by engineers and researchers.
GDocumental 2029
The document manager of Oficina Online(www.oficina-online.com) permits you to have the documents of yourenterprise or group on the cloud, where you can acces themthrought our web or using this app avaiable on Android and IOS.The main difference with other services like Dropbox,GDocumental you are part of a enterprise or workgroup.You can access the documents and collections of your partners atany time and send them notifications.Then, you can add additional partners to your organization inorder to make the document flow between the different participantsas fast as possible.Also you will be able to share files with users not attached toyour organization generatin public links, this ones can be providedwith certain security measures to avoid unliked accesses.This application is a powerful tool for sharing knowledge in theenvironment of a organization or workgroup.With this new version of the app, we have unified our documentmanager with Et-Box.ET-Box is a tool that provides you a sincronization of yourdocuments between different devices and take part of them and sendthem to your Library.Use the 30-day trial without any compromise.This app is the Android version that permits you to acces youraccount on www.oficina-online.com
Is an easy-to-use encryption softwareforpersonal and professional security.➤ Allows you to store photos, videos and files safely. OnlyYOUcan access them with the password.➤ Allows you to protect the privacy of sensitive filesandmessages by encrypting them with the AES256 algorithm(strongsecurity).➤The information can be stored, or transmitted by e-mail.➤The recipient will not need any software to decrypt(onlinedecryption service)➤ If you lose your Android device, no one will be able toaccessyour files, with any method (even jailbreak or hackingmethods)➤Completely compatible with the application AT-SeguridadforWindows environment.Technical Detail: uses AES256 algorithm (maximum security)Requires the presence of a SD Card real or simulated to storagedeciphered files.